Records can be loaded by primary key, by index, or by a LINQ expression. All records for a table can be loaded. This is useful for lookups. When loading a single record, or when items match the LINQ expression, any child or parent records are automatically loaded. For example, when an Order object is loaded it will automatically load the child OrderDetails. Object queries perform a table scan and are the slowest way to load records. Index Queries will only load records that match the index value and are much faster.
C# Example
//**** Load by primary key
Person person = db.Load<Person>(123);
//**** Load All Persons
List<Person> persons = db.LoadAll<Person>();
//**** Load by LINQ
//Create a person object query
ObjectQuery<Person> query = db.CreateObjectQuery<Person>();
//Create a LINQ expression
var result = from p in query
where p.Name == "Jane"
select p;
//Update each Jane to Jane Smith
foreach (Person item in result)
item.Name = "Jane Smith";
//**** Load by index
var gregQuery = db.CreateIndexQuery<Person,string>("Name").Where(o => o.Index == "Greg");
foreach (var person in gregQuery)